Apa Itu Dry Ice ?

Dry ice adalah Karbon Dioksida dalam bentuk Padat. Pada umumnya dry ice digunakan sebagai cooling agent.
Keuntungan nya adalah suhu pendinginan yang lebih rendah dari pada air es dan ice gel, serta tidak meninggalkan residue, dikarenakan Dry ice tidak mencair, melainkan menyublim pada suhu -78.5 °C
Aplikasi yg sering ditemukan :
- Pengolahan & Distribusi Makanan
- Distribusi Obat-obatan atau Vaksin Rumah Sakit & Klinik
- Pembersihan alat-alat Industri
- Fog Special Effect
Cold Jet Dry Ice Blasting
The global leader in dry ice technology.
Providing the most technologically advanced dry ice cleaning, surface preparation, parts finishing and dry ice manufacturing systems. To fulfill our mission to provide value and protect the environment, our equipment utilizes or produces media that is inert, non-conductive, non-corrosive and does not produce hazardous waste streams.
We are Cold Jet
The global leader in dry ice technology.
Providing the most technologically advanced dry ice cleaning, surface preparation, parts finishing and dry ice manufacturing systems. To fulfill our mission to provide value and protect the environment, our equipment utilizes or produces media that is inert, non-conductive, non-corrosive and does not produce hazardous waste streams.